Vacation Bible School 2024
Thank You!
VBS thank you!
Our Scuba VBS week was a deep diving success! We averaged around 120 kids each night and the kids raised money toward the Food Pantry and 4 shopping carts full of food, yes 4!. There are so many people to thank…all those who came as crew leaders and station helpers…many thanks; a huge shout out to Matt Tudor for making sure the sound system was ready to go and for being there every night running the videos and soundboard and making sure it was working very smoothly all week long. Also, thanks to Maddie Kringen for helping up front with music and other various tasks during each night; and Ethan Kringen for filling in one night for the opening skit; Nicole Dulaney for overseeing the Sticky Scriptures, games and snacks station; Lisa Wilber for helping at the registration table; my Board of Ed members for helping with our meal on Monday night; Sue Bredlow for making sure all the items were taken out of the sanctuary and put back where they belong after we were done. Also to Kathy Harms for applying for a Thrivent gift card to use to help with our Monday night meal expenses. We could not have pulled this off without all of you…THANK YOU!! I’m looking forward to next year’s VBS! Psst….it’s another fun theme!